With the Digital Pact for Schools, schools are to master digitalisation. Leading politicians speak of a “mammoth undertaking”. Educators must develop ideas about which interactive methods and teaching content will shape lessons in the future. However, it is also important to have a solid technical foundation – because only then can digital teaching really be fun. That is why we are presenting our range of solutions under the heading of Education Hardware and Hardware for Schools.

The days when the overhead projector was the defining hardware in schools are coming to an end. Nevertheless, this well-known example of technology can be used as a symbol for what we believe education hardware must continue to achieve:

  • Simple installation
  • Simple operation
  • Durable system components


Laptop Beamer Module
The Convenient Solution: AirServer Connect System Mirrors Content from the Teacher’s Laptop

  • The perfect solution for teaching staff using their own tablet PC
  • Screen mirroring from the teacher device (Windows tablet or laptop, Mac book, iPad, etc.) to the mounted classroom screen via the AirServer Connect device
  • The system mirrors content from the teacher device to the interactive screen and also supports input on the interactive whiteboard back to the teacher device
  • No need to transfer data from the teacher’s laptop to the interactive whiteboard or classroom screen (note data protection when leaving the classroom!)
  • AirServer Connect is available as a separate mini box or as a standardised, theft-proof plug-in (OPS) module for interactive whiteboards.

To the AirServer Connect product page

Digital School

Windows PC Module
The Classic Solution: Equipping Interactive Displays and Whiteboards with Windows 10

  • Equip an interactive display with Windows 10 apps
  • MS Whiteboard, SMART Learning Suite and OpenWhiteboard compatible
  • Theft-proof insertion of the Windows OS PC into the display
  • Future-proof through use of the latest QuadCore and HexaCore processors
  • Integration into the school network, data retrieval via cloud

To the slide-in PC product page

Digital School 2


Help with Tenders and Funding Applications

Both hardware for schools and education and advice on selecting hardware and managing the funding process are eligible for funding! Funding is often linked to calls for tender, the criteria for which are set at EU level. It is absolutely sensible and necessary to understand the different topological scenarios, e.g. in the area of whiteboard use, and only then decide – especially for school associations and federal states. A uniform solution not only enables savings to be made in purchasing, but can also provide considerable advantages in use, especially for the teaching staff.

Our Service for Schools

We at CONCEPT International know the area of funding and DigitalPakt very well. We are therefore happy to support schools, school associations and municipal educational institutions in the preparation of tenders. In that way, we can contribute to sustainable solutions that really advance digital-based education.

Our Service for System Integrators

Our consulting services are also available to system integrators. We can help them to include important product data in the tender in accordance with EU requirements, such as electricity costs or the results of standardised benchmark tests.


For a better understanding of all solutions, it is very helpful to know the key elements that need to work together in the best possible way:

The Whiteboard Display

The term “interactive or electronic whiteboard” or “interactive blackboard” refers to large-format screens that are usually touch-sensitive. These touch-screen surfaces can be used not only to integrate multimedia content, but also to record annotations and texts with a pen – similar to chalk on a blackboard.

The Media Player

The (partly: integrated) computer can act in different ways. Depending on the application scenario, Windows or Linux are used as the operating system and the corresponding apps, which enable communication between teacher and pupil laptops and simulate the use of a traditional blackboard.

The student laptops

There are different possible scenarios as well: BYOD (bring your own device – the student can bring and use his tablet PC or iPad), inexpensive Google Chrome laptops and particularly stable Windows laptops and tablet PCs. We will be happy to advise you.